Volunteering and internship

Το Ελληνικό Συμβούλιο για τους Πρόσφυγες έχει παράδοση και στηρίζει μεγάλο μέρος των δράσεων του στον εθελοντισμό. Επαγγελματίες, φοιτητές κι άλλοι ιδιώτες βοηθούν αφιλοκερδώς και προσφέρουν τον πολύτιμο χρόνο, τον ενθουσιασμό και τη στήριξή τους στο έργο μας, αποτελώντας αναπόσπαστο κομμάτι του ΕΣΠ, καθώς η προσφορά τους είναι καθοριστική στην προσπάθεια προστασίας των αιτούντων άσυλο και προσφύγων και στην ένταξή τους στην ελληνική κοινωνία.

Our volunteers provide significant services to refugees through their participation in all the activities of the GCR, such as:


In the activities of the Legal and Social Services


In teaching the Greek language to refugees


In developing the professional skills of refugees

school bag

In facilitating their children's access to the educational system


In psychosocial and recreational activities for refugee children and adolescents


In understanding Greek culture


In the support services of the organization


What does it mean to be a Supporter?

It means that you are involved with the largest and oldest Greek NGO dedicated exclusively to refugee rights, and you know that you are making a difference in the lives of refugees.

20 EURO per year

Your money goes directly to the legal and psychosocial support provided to refugees.

You can participate in the activities and events organized by the NGO and receive more frequent updates about our work.

You don’t need to be from Greece to support us! We welcome people from around the world to join our mission to improve the lives and well-being of refugees in Greece. We provide ongoing updates about your contributions and offer opportunities for remote participation in events, including webinars, roundtable discussions, and dialogues.

Volunteer Program Participation Form for the NGO!

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