UCL Migration Research Unit Conference 12th June 2013


We would like to notify your organisation of our upcoming student conference at University College London, ‘Forced Migration: Global Perspectives and Practices’, on the 12th June 2013.

Critically analysing the concept of ‘forced’ migration, this conference aims to provide a space for researchers, campaigners and sector workers to share perspectives and practices on ‘forced’ migration movements in our globalised world. Please find a provisional copy of our programme for the day attached to this blog posting as follows:

Download Programme  (in PDF format)

We would like to take this opportunity to invite your organisation to attend the conference on the 12th June 2013. Unfortunately, due to budgetary constraints, we are asking all participants to contribute £8 towards the running of the conference. This will cover all conference materials, lunch and refreshments throughout the day. If you are interested in attending, please email us back on this email address, and we will provide you with further instructions for registration. The deadline for registration is the 31st May 2013.

Please feel free to forward this information to anyone you think would be interested in attending the conference, and we would very much appreciate it if you were able to share our conference poster with your supporters and social media followers. Please find this poster attached to this email.

If you have any further enquiries, do not hesitate to contact the conference team on this email address.

We hope to see you soon,

Best wishes,

Lorna Gledhill

On behalf of the MRU Student Conference Team

Siril, Sam, Anna, Larissa, Elizabeth

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*** Find out more about the Migration Research Unit at UCL here ***

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